About GO
GO equips impoverished children to conquer the cycle of poverty through holistic Christ-centered care, enabling them to become followers of Christ who bring hope and healing to their worlds.
Where it all began.
GO on the Mission was started in January of 2010 to help children and their families break free from the cycle of poverty. At GO, we believe the key to successful mission is long-term relationships with trusted partners in the countries where we work. By partnering with indigenous Christians already at work in Latin America and Africa, GO has been able to establish sustainable ministries that connect Christians globally to help end the cycle of poverty.
Our work in Mexico.
In Latin America, GO partners with Amistad Familiar de Sinaloa in Mazatlán, Mexico. GO works with Amistad in 12 local feeding centers that reach 400 children daily. Each feeding center is in a neighborhood of high need. Every morning, children come to their feeding center before going to school or any other activity. In each of the feeding centers there is praise singing, prayer, and a short Bible story each morning. After the activities the children eat a nourishing breakfast before they go about their day. For many of the children, the meal they receive at the feeding center is their only source of food.
In August of 2021, GO and Amistad Familiar launched Centro Cultural Tikvah, International School of Hope in Mazatlán The school has been in the works for many years, and through the dedication of an international board and volunteers, it has become a reality.
Our work in Senegal.
In Africa, GO partners with the two Christian school associations. The majority of children in Senegal’s public education system do not pass their advancement exams bringing their education to a halt at a young age. In the Christian schools, 95% or more pass their advancement exams and go on to break the cycle of poverty, while also learning the Good News of the gospel. Thus, these schools are rapidly becoming community centers and places where the grace and love of God is connecting with people in very tangible ways.
Our work in Guatemala.
In Central America, GO partners with HOPE, a division of Worship Room, in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, Guatemala. HOPE is a children’s community center, featuring tutoring, classes, Bible studies, sports programs, and more. For many of the children served by HOPE, the meal they receive there is their only source of food. HOPE also works to equip and are for single mothers, many of whom are struggling to raise their children and find a way to earn a living wage.
GO’s partnership with HOPE launched in January 2023.