Option 1:
Live on $1.30 for one day.
You'll need to cover all your basic needs - food, transportation, and other essentials - for just $1.30.
This challenge requires careful planning, creativity, and resilience and provides a firsthand experience of the daily struggles faced by those living in extreme poverty.
While it is not sustainable to live on $39 per month, those funds can pave a road out of poverty through child sponsorship providing education, nutrition, and hope!
Option 2:
Reduce spending by $1.30 for one day.
This challenge is about making conscious choices to save and understanding the impact of even a small amount. Skip that extra cup of coffee, walk instead of drive, avoid excess electricity, the possibilities are endless.
Cultivate mindfulness about spending and appreciate the value of what you have. Even a small amount can make a world of difference for someone else.
By reducing your spending by just $39 per month, you can sponsor a child, paving a road out of poverty through education, nutrition,, and hope!