Year opened: 2007

Average Attendance: Currently Closed

The Genaro Estrada neighborhood is a place no one wants to end up. It has many ex-convicts living there as well as delinquency and drug use. These factors, of course, lead to a fairly unstable population and there is a lot of transition there. Additionally, our partners report that they see the most domestic violence in this neighborhood. With so much need, it was clear to GO’s partners that a feeding center would bring light to a dark place. The feeding center in Genaro Estrada is full of joy, a place that families feel safe and know they can send their children. Even through all the transitions in the neighborhood, the feeding center stands a faithful constant.

Meet the Feeding Center Family:

The feeding center is in need of a new family to take over the leadership.  Please join GO in praying that the Lord brings the right family to this ministry soon.